
Sustainability is a commitment of Assaí Atacadista and that is why we operate with the strategy of being a changing agent, improving and innovating our way of doing business for the construction of a more responsible and inclusive society. And this is only possible through a joint action with our various publics, in a relationship of trust and partnership, achieving together the transformation we want in the world.

Our strategy is also guided by the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) agenda, because we believe that the path to perennity is only possible through business sustainability.

Therefore, our commitment is ongoing, through transversal actions that aim to drive positive impacts inside and outside our operations. Learn a little more about our pillars of action:

Assaí is a company committed to its team of employees, focusing its actions on their development.

Diversidade Diversity and Human Rights Manual Antirracista Capacitação e Desenvolvimento

The main focus of environmental impact management is the constant search for energy efficiency in Assaí stores.

Mudanças climáticas Gestão de Resíduos Logística Reversa Redução do Desperdício de Alimentos Matriz limpa de energia e eficiência energética Enviromental Policy

Assaí’s proposal is to be a transforming agent in the value chain of small and medium-sized retailers.

Combate ao Desmatamento Condições de Trabalho Adequadas Carta de Ética para Fornecedores

To promote the development of the communities in which it is present.

Apoio ao Empreededorismo Apoio a Comunidade Local Campanhas Sociais

Integrated Management and Transparency are also part of the pillars of sustainability and values at Assaí.

Relatório Anual Políticas e Compromissos Associações e Coalisões Relações com Investidores (RI) Ouvidoria

Fornecedores do Assaí.

Empresas e indústrias de confiança com produtos de qualidade!